Des Sullivan writes on November 7, 2022 in his Uncle Gnarley blog about another grand failure of the Muskrat Falls project. He has voiced criticism for many components of the Muskrat Falls sanctioning and development, here he brings into question the hiring practices of Nalco and specifically Gilbert Bennet and his undoing. Sullivan states; “He leaves us with a project that doesn’t work because it was badly managed; it is not suited to the Island grid, the Labrador Island Link is both under designed and unreliable; other major components of the system at Soldier’s Pond are seriously faulty, too”.

Mega Dams create MEGA DAMAGE! Are you concerned about the Grand River and the impacts of hydro development? Follow our blog and stay tuned to the latest reports and studies on the subject! Grandriverkeeper Labrador Inc. monitors what’s happening and will keep you posted on topics of interest. Follow this link.
Our goal is to preserve and protect the water quality and the ecological integrity of the Grand (Churchill) River and its estuaries for present and future users and for posterity through actions of public awareness, monitoring, research, networking, intervention and habitat restoration. As such one of our key objectives is to bring awareness both locally and globally of the cumulative impacts associated with megadams that we become aware of through our research.
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